Board :Story Contest
Author :Archon Iyagi
Subject :1st Place by Peot
Date :11/20
- Deja Vu -

I've been here. I am sure i have been here before.

This struggling visual memory keeps on coming into my head, while i'm racing with my thoughts to get out of this deep shallow vortex cave.

The images of me killing some anchorite keeps on coming into my mind. Only this time, I wasn't a poet, I'm holding a spear with fire on it's tip. It's the legendary Flamespear, the famous weapon that many warrior crave as their ultimate weapon. I'm confused why I can hold this heavy weapon with me.

I don't really know how I ended up stuck in this cave. But it all started when some of my hunting party from my clan died because of the ambushed from the anchorite warriors. We underestimate their strength.

Now here i am, hiding in the corner of this cave, waiting for a rescue group, while out of nowhere, I got this vision of deja vu of myself as a warrior.

I'm not sure why, but i can sense my soul is showing me this vision of warrior for some reason. I think it shows me the way to get out of this cave.

Following my intuition, I brace through the way by casting Hyun moo's Harden Body to get myself past through some anchorites. Before i know, i was already safe outside.

Back in Kugnae, I met a Shaman elder who told me that I was blessed by my own spirit and soul as it try to communicate with me to safe me out from that cave, by showing me they way out, because in my past life, I was trapped and died in that same exact cave.

Shocked and relieved, I do a ritual of cleansing with the Shaman Elder, to bless my own soul and spirit. Because only the wise know how to appreciate their own self.
